Hawke Blocks

Hawke Blocks


Manufactured in zero halogen materials.
Hawke is the only colour coded system for the blocks, which allows you to check if the two halves of the block have been correctly selected by the installer.

Click on the picture to view the datasheet


Hawke Standard Tolerant Blocks

The Hawke cable blocks have a tolarance that is achieved by having 5 points of contact with the cable that guarantees the sealing of the cable even if it is deformed.Thanks to this tolerance, each Hawke block covers a range of diameters between 3 and 4 mm. It is not necessary to manipulate the block, as this tolerance is achieved by deforming it when the system is compressed.

Click here to view the block selection table.

Hawke Trefoil Insert Blocks / Hawke Special Insert Blocks

Hawke Trefoil Insert Blocks: These blocks allow three single phase power cables to be sealed inside of the same cable block. *Available in 90mm and 120 mm size*

Hawke Special Insert Blocks: When Hawke Transit System Frames are penetrated by services that are shaped anything other than circular, eg. busbars, special cables, earthtraps, etc. Special EMC bocks can be manufacturer. Please contact our Sales Department for more information.


Hawke Wave Guides

Hawke manufacture a range of blocks to suit the most popular waveguides sizes. Hawke wave guide insert blocks are used inserted in Standard HF Blocks.

Hawke Blank Filler Blocks

Filler blocks are available in the same materials as the tolerant Blocks. They are used to fill spaces within the frame which are not required for services, thus allowing spare capacity for future requirements.